Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Birthday day wishlist 2012

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birth- ya ya ya, where's my prezzies? The 13th of September is my Birthday!

So another year has passed (almost). I'm another year older, another year wiser, another year ... erm ...something. And it's that special time when you get to show your appreciation toward me for being your friend, or at least an acquaintance. And as selfless as am I am, mostly, I am willing to accept your generous gift. 

"But just what should we buy him?" you might ask.

Well, you are in luck, I have compiled a small list of possible items for you to peruse and even buy.

First up: I need a backpack. A nice one.


Secondly: How about some motorbike gear? Gloves, boots, jackets. Why would i need this? Well, because I ride bike charna!!!

Thirdly: Music? yea i like music. I want a keyboard with weighted keys and a midi output. I play guitar, and i have a guitar, but i don't have a keyboard. KEYBOARD SOOOOLOOOO!!!
 Fourthly: I need a Jiujitsu Gee. Get me one!!!

Fifthly: I guess i need to keep up with the fast pace of our modern world, so here is your opportunity to buy me an iPad or a Galaxy tablet ... thing.

 Sixthly: It's Woodstock 2012 soon, so buy me a ticket :) . In fact buy yourself one woo and come with me. It should be, better than average.

 Seventhly: Money, Bucks, Moola, Cha Ching, Gwap, Loot, Tom, Coin, Gravy, Dough, Pesos, Wad, etc, its all the same to me :)


Eighthly:I'll never say No to some 10 gauge strings, A nice new pair of shoes, A moonlit dinner, A nice back massage, How about a swim in the sea? Maybe a race around a go-cart track, Horse riding even.

These are guidelines for you guys, don't get caught in the trap of buying me ONLY these things :)

PS. i am thinking of having some sort of party/get together so i hope you will be available when the time comes.

Love you lots, and happy Birthday to ME!!!

Feel free to leave a birthday massage below.